Communities United...
We all need to be united as communities to face what this world is throwing at us. Here are three programs that will help us do just that.

Communities United in Prayer (CUP)
This prayer group is held every fourth Friday of the month from 12:00-12:45, in the Community Room at the Frankenmuth Credit Union (580 N. Main St., Frankenmuth).
All churches, denominations and community members are welcome to attend.
Each gathering lifts up our local community, state and nation because, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7: 14).
Feel free to bring your lunch, if needed. There is no fee involved and you can come and go according to your schedule restraints.
Notes for participants: please park behind the Farmer's Market. Do NOT park in the main east parking lot. Enter through the main doors and take the lobby elevator down to the community room (follow the signs).
There is no fee for this and registration is not required, but it does help us to plan accordingly and will give you access to a participant only page on this website, which will include copies of all handouts from the CUP meetings and allow us to automatically email you if the schedule changes for any reason.
2024 Schedule:
February 23rd
March 22nd
April 26th
May 24th
June 28th
July 26th
August 23rd
September 27th
October 25th
November 22nd
No Meeting in December

Communities United in Bible Study (CUBS)
This will be a community wide Bible Study that welcomes all churches, denominations and community members in the Frankenmuth and surrounding areas to join together and take a closer look at the Bible and what it means for our community.
We are still working on the details so check back or ask to be put on our Communities United email list to be notified when we have the details set.

Communities United in Praise and Worship (CUPAW)
These will be community wide praise and worship nights that welcome all churches, denominations and community members in the Frankenmuth and surrounding areas to join together and praise and worship our Lord God Almighty.
We are still working on the details so check back or ask to be put on our Communities United email list to be notified when we have the details set.